Mexican Artisan Cuisine
🥇Nominated The Best Mexican Restaurant 2022

about delicias mexican cuisine
Un día de nuestros ratos de descanso, Angie y yo conversábamos acerca de lo agradecidos y afortunados que nos sentíamos de nuestras raíces Mexicanas; hablamos de lo hermosa, fascinante e inspiradora que es la ciudad de México tanto de día como de noche, cada instante ahí es fascinante, su comida, su gente, la fusión entre tantas culturas nacionales y extranjeras. La ciudad de la esperanza, la ciudad que nunca duerme.
Entre esas conversaciones soñamos, visualizamos tener nuestro lugar en donde pudiéramos reflejar la magia de su comida, lo creativo de sus bebidas, la interacción entre familias, amigos o dos simples enamorados como nosotros. Y es así como de nuestro corazón nació Delicias, un lugar en donde su cocina y sus bebidas son un arte, reflejan nuestra inspiración y amor por México.
One day during our free time, Angie and I were talking about how grateful and lucky we felt for our Mexican roots. We talked about how beautiful, fascinating, and inspiring Mexico City is, both during the day and at night. Every moment there is fascinating, from the food to the people to the fusion of so many national and foreign cultures. It is the city of hope, the city that never sleeps.
During those conversations, we dreamed and visualized having our own place where we could reflect the magic of its food, the creativity of its drinks, and the interaction between families, friends, or two simple lovers like us. And that's how Delicias was born from our hearts, a place where its cuisine and drinks are an art that reflects our inspiration and love for Mexico.


"This vibrant new Mexican spot brought a dose of color and plenty of desert flair when it opened near the western gateway to Desert Hot Springs recently."



Kids meal